


BR Caldera
KillRace 2v2

19:00 CEST

Entry fee per player
10€ + member card

2v2 Kill Race Rules

Teams will add the opposing team as Activision friends and load into a game together on the Quads playlist.

Winner bracket:
Best of 3 format: You will play best of 3, the winner will be the team who wins most out of 3 maps. Kills do not carry from the last map.
If there is a tie in either the winners or losers bracket, another game will be played – if this also results in a tie the team who did the most damage in the tiebreaker will be the winner.

Losers bracket: 
Best of 1 format. 
If this game is drawn on kills the team with the most damage dealt in the replay will progress.

Winner’s bracket:
The team with the highest seed will host the first map (Team 1 being the highest). 
-If there is a tie and both hosts are on the same server map 3 will be hosted by the team who won map 1
-If there is a tie and hosts are on different servers map 3 will be hosted by the team with the most kills over both maps, in this scenario teams should play out their maps.
– If the hosts servers are different and the opposition pulls you early from the map you will be automatically awarded with map 3 host. In case of a reset/replay the host does not change. 

Note: early sign-ups are rewarded with higher seed.

Loser bracket:
The team who entered the loser’s bracket at the highest round hosts the map, if both teams entered the loser’s bracket at the same round the team with the highest seed will host the first map (Team 1 being the highest). In case of a reset/replay the host does not change. 
Note: early sign-ups are rewarded with higher seed.
Activision ID’s can be found in the respective registration channel for the purpose of lobby invites.

Generic Rules:
Every team should be ready to start the next game within 10 minutes. If you are not we will give you one warning, after that you will have 5 minutes to start or you will forfeit the map. The 10-minute timer will restart once the first map is forfeited, if the team is still not ready, they will continue to forfeit maps until they are out of the tournament. If teams are encountering technical difficulties we may allow some extra time, this is at the discretion of the organizer, if the match is holding up the bracket we will not allow any extra time. Sometimes, we rely on teams to inform us if the opposition is not starting, if the brackets are busy, if you find yourself waiting, please let us know and we will give a warning or forfeit.
If a team is fully eliminated and have no Gulag attempts remaining and the in-game event ‘Jailbreak’ occurs, teams that were fully eliminated before this event was initiated must break their legs and fall to their death, any attempt to play on will result in a map forfeit. Teams that are still in play can use the Jailbreak to their benefit.
If there is a case of a no show or your teammate is not on, you will have to 1v2 or drop to the losers bracket.

In any case of a major incident where your teammate cannot play on, you will be allowed 10 minutes to substitute them out. If you fail to find a teammate in 10 minutes and your opposition is ready to play you will forfeit the next map. You will then have another 10 minutes until you forfeit the next one until you either find a teammate or you are out of the event.

Sabotage & Interference:
Sabotage is only allowed if you are in the same vehicle, enter your opponent’s vehicle at your own risk!
If you are to kill/down your opponent in any other way the map will be forfeited, this includes blowing up vehicles that you are not driving/piloting that end up killing/downing your opposition. If an unintentional foul has been made, we encourage teams to apologize in game chat and rectify the situation if possible. If we believe there has been a fair resolution in game, we will dismiss a map forfeit.  Any negative interference in your opponent’s gameplay, like excessive pinging or shooting at your enemy, will result in a map forfeit. Video proof must be provided which clearly shows any of the above. Please speak to an admin on discord as soon as possible about the situation, do not back out of the match unless you are 100% sure it is a reset/forfeit. If you back out and have made an incorrect decision the map will be forfeited.
Any incident that you intend to present to the admin for a reset/forfeit must be clearly annotated in the chat within 2 minutes of occurring, failure to do so will deem the claim invalid. There will be no exceptions to this rule. You can annotate the chat how you like but we suggest “potential reset” until you have confirmed it with an admin

Hackers or Glitch
If you feel you have been killed by a hacker or a glitch, you must inform your opponent via the in-game chat of the incident and then DM us on discord with a clip as soon as possible, you should continue the map you are playing and wait for an admins further instructions. Teams MUST inform the opposition of a potential hacker/glitch via the in-game chat within 2 minutes of the incident occurring, failure to do so will result in no action being taken place even if it is clear there has been an unfair death by a hacker/glitch. You can annotate the chat how you like but we suggest “potential reset” until you have confirmed it with an admin.

All Incidents
Players must report incidents within 2 minutes of them happening via the chat, failure to do so will warrant no action. You must write ‘potential reset’ to inform your opposition that there may be grounds for an investigation. This stops teams abusing resets later in the game when they realize they are not going to win. Players found to be spamming the game chat to put off their opponent will be investigated and may be disqualified, use the chat only when you honestly believe there is a reset to be reviewed. All games should be played on until a decision has been made.

Streaming Requirements:
All PC players must stream the event and show task manager at the start of the stream, failure to do so may result in a DQ. At the beginning of the tie each team has the right to ask their opponent to show task manager on stream, if the opposing team refuses to do this please DM admin via discord. If you do not request a preview of the task manager you cannot dispute this later on with the admins that your opposition has not shown the task manager. If you restart at any time you need to show task manager again. If your team is a console then at least 1 player must stream at all times. All streams must be saved to your chosen streaming platform and available for admins review ( archive mode enabled), failing to have the stream VOD saved may result in a DQ. ( all stream titles must display ‘event name &  @King___eSport‘ anything else must come after that. If a transition is displayed on your stream and no gameplay is showing you will be asked to reset the map and show the full task manager again.

Stream Snipers:
We strongly advise all players to delay their streams to significantly reduce the possibility of stream sniping. We also recommend you cover your stream when in the pre-game lobby if possible. If you believe stream sniping has occurred, then we would recommend discussing this with your opposition and if they agree, both teams blocking the streams sniper in their recently played list, resetting and starting a new map. King eSport retains the right to have the authoritative decision on this, it is very important teams follow the guidelines above to prevent.

Dev Errors will always result in a map reset carrying kills, gulag kills will not be carried.

Lagging/Disconnecting out of a game will result in a map reset with kills carrying over if there are 100 or more players left in the lobby, kills in the gulag will NOT be carried. If there are less than 100 players left and your teammate loses connection, you will have to carry on alone. Anyone found to be intentionally disconnecting will be DQ’d from the tournament and will be banned from playing in King eSport Tournaments for 1 year.
DO NOT leave a game without an admin’s instructions in your twitch chat/discord chat/discord dm’s, continue to play out the game and await further instructions. 

King eSport decisions are final. 

Restarting Maps: 
When resetting a map for any reason as agreed by an admin, kills will carry over and the game will be started as close to the old map as possible. On the odd occasion we ask may for a full reset from 0-0. 
When resetting maps kills will only count up till an incident occurs, it does not matter if you are engaged in combat. If you have someone downed when the incident occurs you may count this if they are eliminated.
If a team is up a kills and full dead when there is a reset, the game will reset as everyone starting alive. If you used your gulag you won’t be entitled to use it in the reset.

Decision Making:
King eSport decisions are final. It’s impossible to make the correct  decision 100% of the time, we always strive to do our best so accept our decision without any hassle.


Tournament activities are managed by ASD KING ESPORT.
Registration is restricted to Lega Esport – ACSI card holders only.

Prize money in cards worth €500 if there are 32 participating teams!

First place 400€ 
Second place 100€